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Adjustable Rate Mortgages

An Adjustable Rate Mortgage may be a good choice if you:

  • Want to maximize your buying power
  • Want to keep your payments lower during the first few years of your loan
  • Plan to stay move into a different home within the next ten years
  • Plan to pay-off your mortgage within a few years

Community First's ARMs also bring you:

  • Bi-Weekly payment options that help you save money and pay down your principle faster.
  • Local servicing at any Community First location or by phone

3/1 ARM

Best Choice If:

You want to take advantage of a low rate now but believe that you will be moving out of your home or refinancing within five years.

Lower interest rates than fixed mortgages.

Higher rates possible after the three years ends.

5/1 ARM

Best Choice If:

You want the advantages of a low interest rate and you want your loan serviced by the credit union.

This rate won't go up for at least five years.

Rates can increase after the five years increasing your monthly payment.

7/1 ARM

Best Choice If:

You really want to lock in a long term rate that is lower than fixed rate mortgages

Long time period before rates start to adjust.

Higher interest rate than available for some other loan options.

3/1 ARM (Lot/Land)

Best Choice If:

You want the lowest possible interest rate now and have a short-term plan for your home or your mortgage.

Lowest interest rate available. Credit Union servicing.

Rates may rise reducing the amount of money going to pay down the principal and increasing your monthly mortgage payment

5/1 ARM (Lot/Land)

Best Choice If:

You want the lowest possible interest rate now and have a short-term plan for your home or your mortgage.

Lowest interest rate available. Credit Union servicing.

Rates may rise reducing the amount of money going to pay down the principal and increasing your monthly mortgage payment

7/1 ARM (Lot/Land)

Best Choice If:

You want the lowest possible interest rate now and have a short-term plan for your home or your mortgage.

Lowest interest rate available. Credit Union servicing.

Rates may rise reducing the amount of money going to pay down the principal and increasing your monthly mortgage payment

Non Owner Occupied 5/1 ARM

Best Choice If:

Your property does not meet Fannie Mae guidelines due to unique property type or lack of comparable sales.

The loan is serviced by Community First Credit Union. Financing available on a property that other financing is not available.

Higher interest rate than available for some other loan options.

Mortgage Rates

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To apply for your easy online loan, all you have to do is answer a few simple questions about yourself, your property and your income, debts and assets.
